Red Bull 24x250ml Can
Red Bull 24x250ml Can provides the classic energy boost in a convenient 250ml can. This pack includes twenty four cans, each offering the invigorating and refreshing taste of Red Bull. Perfect for those who need a quick and effective energy lift, Red Bull 24x250ml Can is ideal for any time you need to stay energized and alert. Enjoy the revitalizing taste of Red Bull 24x250ml Can at any occasion.
- Name
- Red Bull 24x250ml Can
- Number
- 49780
- Pieces per pallet
- 108
- 9002490100094
- Product category
- Energy
- Case (sales unit)
- Tray
- Cases per layer
- 12
- Packaging
- Tray
Additional Information
- Case (sales unit) Tray
- Cases per pallet 108
- Packaging Tray
- Pieces per pallet 108
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