Nemiroff De Luxe Vodka 40% - 1l
Nemiroff De Luxe Vodka is a premium spirit with a smooth and refined taste, perfect for those who appreciate high-quality vodka. This 1-liter bottle contains vodka with a 40% alcohol by volume, allowing for a strong and satisfying drinking experience. Made with care and attention to detail, this vodka is sure to impress even the most discerning connoisseurs. Enjoy it straight or mixed in your favorite cocktails for a luxurious and enjoyable drinking experience.
- Name
- Nemiroff De Luxe Vodka 40% - 1l
- Number
- 15785
- Pieces per pallet
- 480
- 4820181424947
- Product category
- Spirits
- Case (sales unit)
- C12
- Packaging
- Btl
Additional Information
- Case (sales unit) C12
- Cases per pallet 40
- Packaging Btl
- Pieces per pallet 480
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