Capri-Sun Kirsche & Granatapfel 330ml
Capri-Sun Kirsche & Granatapfel 330ml is a refreshing blend of cherry and pomegranate flavors. This delicious drink contains nothing artificial, with no preservatives, no artificial flavours, and no colours. Enjoy the natural taste of Capri-Sun Kirsche & Granatapfel 330ml, perfect for a wholesome and tasty refreshment.
- Name
- Capri-Sun Kirsche & Granatapfel 330ml
- Number
- 12088
- Pieces per pallet
- 1620
- 4000177172629
- Product category
- Juices
- Case (sales unit)
- C15
- Cases per layer
- 18
- Packaging
- Bag
- Content per piece
- 0.33 L
Additional Information
- Case (sales unit) C15
- Cases per pallet 108
- Packaging Bag
- Pieces per pallet 1620
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