Åbro Kung 5,2% 24x330ml Can
Åbro Kung 5,2% 24x330ml Can is a classic Swedish full-malt lager with a clean, fresh taste and delightful aroma. Packaged in a case of twenty four cans, each containing 330ml, Åbro Kung 5,2% is perfect for both meals and as a thirst quencher. Åbro Kung 5,2% 24x330ml Can offers a balanced flavor profile with hints of bread, herbs, and honey, making it an excellent choice for various occasions.
- Name
- Åbro Kung 5,2% 24x330ml Can
- Number
- 15993
- Pieces per pallet
- 90
- 7311100438901
- Product category
- Beer
- Case (sales unit)
- Tray
- Packaging
- Tray
- Content per piece
- 7.92 L
Additional Information
- Case (sales unit) Tray
- Cases per pallet 90
- Packaging Tray
- Pieces per pallet 90
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